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Fraction Ball is a playful, physically active, embodied way to learn fractions and decimal through a series of games on the basketball court. In the project, we co-design and studied the use of curricular materials and games within the Fraction Ball program. 
Postdoctoral Fellow​
In collaboration with teachers from Santa Ana Unified School District, we built on the previously co-designed series of Fraction Ball games to develop curriculum. We created 12 lessons, 6 court activities and 6 related classroom activities, that were tested in Randomized Control Study with 16 classrooms. Findings from this work show that the curricular materials showed significant learning effects for fraction and decimal learning. 

Lawrence, L., Szura, J. W., Begolli, K., Minko, J., Bustamante, A., & Ahn, J. (2022). Tiered levels of engagement for teacher partnerships. In L. Wentworth, C. Conaway, S. Shewchuk, & P. Arce-Trigatti (Ed.) RPP Brokers Handbook, V. 2: A Guide to Brokering in Education Research-Practice Partnerships. Houstin, TX: National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships (NNERPP).  [link]  [pdf]

We conducted 12 co-design sessions over a year to create the curricular materials for the Fraction Ball intervention. Leveraging our framework for participation, we held 5 co-design sessions, 5 sub meetings with teachers to plan co-design sessions, and 2 students play testing sessions. We designed 12 activities including an activity guide, a script, and all materials needed to facilitate the lessons (e.g., slides, instructions, worksheets).  

We studied the impact of these materials with 16 teachers who were randomly assigned to control or treatment group. The treatment group implemented Fraction Ball twice a week, two classroom and two court lessons, over 4 weeks. 



Sample activity guide used by teachers in the Fraction Ball Intervention. 

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Learn more about the project here!

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LuEttaMae (Lu) Lawrence, Ph.D.

luettamaelawrence [at] gmail [dot] com

lu [dot] lawrence [at] usu [dot] com

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