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Human-centered design is an interdisciplinary, problem-solving approach that identifies the unmet need of a population in order to collaboratively and iteratively develop solutions. While there are well known models that theorize the processes of human-centered design, they do not provide pedagogical guidance that articulates what this learning looks like and how to support it. Our project builds on these models and outlines pedagogical practice that operationalize how students enact this form of learning.
Research Assistant
As part of a team at Siebel Center for Design, we have developed a human-centered design taxonomy that outlines five design spaces (understand, synthesize, ideate, prototype, and implement) and pedagogical practices that describe how students operationalize specific spaces.
This taxonomy was designed iteratively with designers, researchers, and teachers from multiple disciplines to develop a flexible taxonomy to be used across contexts. The goal of this taxonomy is for teachers and designers to develop curricula, learning objectives, and assessments based on what space they are teaching and the practices they want their students to achieve.

Lawrence, L., Shehab, S., & Tissenbaum, T. (under review). The development and implementation of a taxonomy for teaching and learning human-centered design.

Lawrence, L., Shehab, S., & Tissenbaum, M. (2021). Human-centered design taxonomy: Case study application with novice, multidisciplinary designers. Symposium conducted at the 16th annual International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Bochum, Germany.


Shehab, S., Lawrence, L., & Tissenbaum, M. (2021). Integrating human-centered design in a food science capstone course: A case study. Symposium conducted at the 16th annual International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Bochum, Germany.

Shehab, S., Rees Lewis, D., Tissenbaum, M., Lawrence, L., & Easterday, M. (2021). Towards brining human-centered design to K-12 and post-secondary classrooms. Symposium conducted at the 16th annual International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Bochum, Germany.

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