Hello! I'm Dr. Lu Lawrence!
I am an Assistant Professor at Utah State University in the Instructional Technologies and Learning Sciences program. As a learning scientist and design researcher, I work with communities to design learning environments to accomplish their unique learning goals. My research has been published in venues including the British Journal of Educational Technology, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, and Journal of Science Education and Technology and has received recognitions, such as the Best Design Award by the International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
Before joining USU, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California Irvine in the School of Education and Carnegie Mellon in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute. I completed my MA and PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Digital Environment for Learning, Teaching, and Agency program, and hold a BFA in Graphic Design from Iowa State University.
Design-Based Research
Design Justice
Participatory Design
Learning Sciences
Educational Technology
lu [dot] lawrence [at] usu [dot] edu